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About Bowsage Therapy
Bowen Therapy Basic Training.
I teach therapists like you, how to save your body and double your income with Bowen Therapy!
NCBTMB #1189 - CE BROKER #20-634030
Introductions should take about 15 min ask them and write down on paper
Where they practice, How long they have been a therapist
Have they heard of Bowen before?
Where did they hear about this class Perg, fb, google
Introduce yourself 10 min max
Your Bowen Experiences
Why do you teach Bowen
PLAY Testimony Videos >>
Take a 10 min Break
Bowen College
Power of touch 1 min intro
by Dr. Manon Bolliger
20 Min presentation by
Dr Manon Bolliger
Third Hour
Set up tables to give Bowen sample before they go to lunch we want them to experience it for a bit before they receive work.
Should take no more than 90 min to do 2 rounds of Bowen
Have students not receiving follow along watching you
Break for lunch this should bring them back by 1 or 2 depending on what time you started. Make sure and remind them how much they could make doing all this at once. Ask them how much they charge for a 30 min session and you just did this many in that amount of time they can do the math.
Who Wants a Bowen Session?
Back Side Routine
Front Side Routine
Videos To Show
Play before they learn with pressure (maybe second day)
Videos To Show During Lunch Day 2
What is Bowen
Have Students take a picture and get used to saying it to each other and clinic people
Bowen Therapy and fascia 4min
This video aims to create greater interest in Bowen Therapy`s role in maintaining healthy fascia.
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